The Worshipful Company of Pattenmakers is a City of London Livery Company which was awarded its Royal Charter in 1670, but the Company is first recorded as a trade association for the makers of pattens in 1379 and the trade itself dates from the 12th century or earlier.
The Company continues to draw its membership from the footwear industry, Facilities Management & the Built Environment
and from many other walks of life from the city and armed services.
The Company’s main focuses of activity are charity, fellowship and participation in the life of the City of London.
First Record
‘Mystery of Patynmakers’
Great Fire
The Company’s early records were believed lost in the Great Fire of London
Company Incorporated
Company was incorporated by Royal Charter by King Charles II
Company Granted Livery
Association Formed with Shoe Trade
Third Royal Charter
Company received third charter and additional powers, including appointing a Warden to the Trade