List of Masters

The following is a list of all Past Masters of the livery, from 1672 to the present day.

1670-71 Samuel Grainger (or Granger)
1672-74 James Bayly
1675-79 Frances Grincell (or Grinsell, Greenesoll, Grimsell)
1680 James Gray
1681 Richard Holder (or Houlder)
1682 Robert Biddle
1683 Hugh Worrall (or Wyrrell, Worrell)
1684 Robert Miller
1685 Bartholomew Piggott (or Pigott)
1686 Richard Holder
1687 William Browne
1688 Thomas Munday (or Monday)
1689 Robert Rogers
1690 Thomas Greene
1691 Robert Miller
1692-93 Thomas Loveday (or Love Day)
1694 Richard Penny
1695-96 John Woodhouse
1697 Richard Penny
1698 Thomas Ireson
1699 Captain John Bonney
1700-01 Robert Tredwell
1702 Thomas Wharton (died in office)
John Woodhouse
1703-04 Isaac Taylor
1705-06 Thomas Gibson
1707-08 Thomas Bursey (or Burssey, Bursye, Burssye)
1709 William Russell
1710 William Ockenden
1711 Isaac Miller
1712 Thomas Taylor
1713-14 Nicholas Poirce (or Poirie, Pirrie, Peirce)
1715-17 Edward Frewtrell (or Fewtrell)
1718 Robert Hall
1719-20 John Avory (or Avery)
1721-22 Roger Penny (or Penney)
1723 John Ring
1724 George Harvey
1725 Thomas Bennett (or Bennet)
1726 Thomas Ingram
1727 Richard Read
1728 Thomas Penny
1729-30 Thomas Parkhurst
1731 William Long
1732 John Dolley (or Dolly)
1733 John Walkingham
1734-35 Daniel Dolley
1736 Daniel Baskerville
1737-38 William Taylor
1739 Thomas Price
1740-41 John Page (died in office)
1741 John Avery
1742 John Woodford
1743 Arthur Hand
1744 Josiah Hoskins
1745-46 Joseph Judge
1747 Thomas Scrimshaw
1748 John Dobee
1749 John Buck
1750 William Gibson
1751 William Keene
1752 John Trickett
1753 William Lawrence
1754 Collins Perry
1755-56 Henry Biggs
1757 John Bridge
1758 Matthew Harvey
1759 Joseph Bent
1760 Robert Horne
1761 John Davey
1762 Thomas Crump
1763 Robert Willie
1764 George Ward
1765 John Woodeson
1766 Robert Martin
1767 Samuel Gardiner
1768 Theodore Pigg
1769 Charles Holdsworth
1770 Charles Spivey
1771 Robert Martin
1772 William Ford
1773 George Turpin
1774 Elisha Urling
1775 Robert Lum
1776 Joseph Powell
1777-78 Lazarus Pryke
1779-80 Henry Harris
1781-82 Joseph Ashmore
1783 James Guest
1784-85 Samuel Dangerfield
1876-87 William Holmer
1788-89 Thomas Baron Woodison
1790-91 Henry Dawes
1792-94 Joseph Fennell
1795 Anthony Abbot (died in office)
1795-97 John Rance
1798-00 William Taylor
1801-02 Thomas Mankin
1803-04 John Knight
1805-06 John Goodland
1807 Henry Thomson
1808 Edmund Walker
1809 Richard Abbey
1810 John Cutler
1811 Thomas Smith
1812 Peter Leonard
1813 George Blundell
1814 Henry Thomson
1815 Hugh Hodgson
1816 James Graves
1817 John Bumsted
1818 William Alexander Ridpath
1819 John Combs
1820 William Lewis Newman (City Solicitor)
1821 John Breach
1822 Jonathan Monkhouse
1823 Bartholomew Dawes
1824 Samuel Sanderson Hall
1825 Richard Abbey
1826 John Cutler
1827 Robert Wilson
1828 Peter Leonard
1829 John Bumstead
1830 James Graves
1831 John Bumstead
1832 William Lewis Newman
1833 John Combs
1834 Samuel Becton
1835 William Alexander Ridpath
1836 John Breach
1837 Charles Chatfield
1838 Samuel Sanderson Hall
1839 Cadman Hodgkinson
1840 Bartholomew Dawes
1841 Robert Thomas Perkins
1842 Charles Sutherland
1843 Beniah Gibb
1844 Samuel Judkins
1845 Francis Bligh Hookey
1846 Joseph Charles
1847 John Bentley
1848 Christopher Phillips
1849 Henry Attride
1850 Samuel Hill
1851-52 Joseph Bebb
1853 Bartholomew Dawes
1854 Robert Shaw
1855 Robert Thomas Perkins
1856 Robert Wilson
1857 Christopher Phillips
1858 Henry Graves
1859 Henry Attride
1860 Samuel Hill
1861 Joseph Bebb
1862 Robert Shaw
1863 Christopher Phillips
1864 Henry Graves
1865 Joseph Bebb
1866 Robert Shaw
1867 Beal French
1868 Christopher Phillips
1869 Henry Graves
1870 Beal French
1871 Henry Graves
1872 Beal French
1873 David French
1874 Henry Graves
1875 Beal French
1876 David French
1877 Joseph Patrick Taylor
1878 Charles William Thompson
1879 Captain (later Colonel) T Davies Sewell
1880 Barrow Emanuel
1881 James Chapman
1882 William Henry Pannell CC
1883 Captain (later Major) James Alfred Thornhill
1884-85 Captain (later Major) George Lambert
1886 Richard Clout
1887 John Alexander Brand (City Comptroller)
1888 Witham Matthew Bywater
1889 Herbert (later Sir) Henry Bartlett (later Bt.)
1890 Alfred Joseph Baker
1891 Peter Tocher
1892-93 Sir Augustus Henry Glossop Harris (Sheriff 1890)
1894 Major (later Colonel) Clifford Probyn JP DL LCC
1895 John Welford
1896 Edward Henry Brown
1897-98 Harry (later Sir) Seymour Foster MP (Sheriff 1891)
1899 John Welford
1900 Sir Herbert Henry Bartlett, Bt.
1901 Colonel Clifford Probyn JP DL LCC
1902 Henry Hobson Finch
1903 Edward Henry Brown
1904 Peregrine Charles Cotton Francis
1905-06 Charles (later Sir, Bt.)Augustin Hanson CBE JP
1907 Sir Herbert Henry Bartlett, Bt.
1908 William Sparks
1909-10 Frederick Cleeves
1911 Colonel Clifford Probyn JP DL LCC
1912 Charles (later Sir, Bt.)Augustin Hanson CBE JP (Lord Mayor 1917)
1913 Leslie Steven Robertson
1914-16 Athrur C Davidson
1917-19 Joseph Grose Colmer CMG
1920 Henry Cart de Lafontaine
1921 John Frederick Cleeves
1922 Sir Wiliam Raynor JP
1923 Sir Philip Dawson MP
1924 The Hon. F H Hamilton Smith
1925 Frederick Richard Simms
1926 George Quinlan Roberts CBE
1927 Dr John Stokes
1928 Captain Sydeney Frankenberg
1929 Alec Lionel Rea
1930-31 Patrick (later Sir) Joseph Hannon MP
1932 Thomas Caldwell Litler-Jones
1933 Lt Colonel Ralph Boughton Haywood
1934 John Frederick Cleeves
1935-36 Sir Robert Vaughan Gower KCVO OBE MP
1937 William Shearer
1938 [Adolph] Harry (later Sir) Railing
1939 Alec Lionel Rea CBE, Ch. Legion d’Honneur
1940-41 William Vernon Heale
1942-43 Lt General Sir John Brown KCB CBE DSO TD JP DL
1944 Colonel (later Sir) John Mayhew TD
1945-47 Samuel Rolleston Hogg DSO
1948 Sir William Shenton
1949 Anthony Sancroft-Baker
1950 Lt General Sir John Brown KCB CBE DSO TD JP DL
1951-52 The Rt Hon Lord Nathan of Churt PC TD DL
1953 General Sir Frederick Alfred Pile, Bt. GCB DSO MC
1954 Lt Colonel Douglas Herbert Davis
1955 Willie Harold Wooltorton
1956 Colonel Thomas Gregory MC TD
1957 Leslie Hamilton Watts
1958 Reginald Logan Rait
1959-60 Abraham Montagu Lyons QC
1961 Rudolph George Berchem
1962 Neville Blond CMG OBE
1963 Colonel Arthur Edward Henson TD
1964 Captain Jack Fox-Williams MC
1965 Dr Frank Martin Hussey Taylor CBE
1966 Sir Hamilton Kerr, Bt.
1967 Major Ronald Edward Warlow TD
1968 Colonel Alfred Roy Wise MBE TD
1969 Herbert Kenneth Stein
1970 Simon Edward Miller
1971 William Michael Pybus
1972 David Logan Rait
1973 Colonel Alfred John Page CB TD DL
1974 Commander Robert Macdonald-Hall, RN (Retd)
1975 Hallam Newton Egerton Alston
1976 Denis Patrick Canning Weiner
1977 Walter (later Sir ) Hans Salomon
1978 Commander Robert Macdonald-Hall, RN (Retd)
1979 Lt Col Wilfrid Lyonel Miron CBE TD DL JP
1980 Colonel Sir Anthony Wharton CBE TD DL (died in office)
Dr Frank Martin Hussey Taylor CBE
1981 Edward (later Sir) Rayne CVO
1982 Edgar Astaire
1983 Christopher Anthony Prendergast CBE DL
1984 Alfred Joseph Yorke Magnus
1985-86 Anthony Noel Eskenzi CC (later CBE; Sheriff 1981; Chief Commoner 2001)
1987 William Richard Frank Chamberlain DL
1988 His Honour Judge (later Sir) Lawrence John Verney TD DL (Recorder 1990-98)
1989 Geoffrey Wyndham Marshall
1990 Daniel Gilbert
1991 John Philip Henry Michael Selwyn Cunynghame
1992 Robert Priestly Shepherd DL JP
1993 George Richard Albert Andrews
1994 Raymond Samuel Sancroft-Baker
1995 Anthony Donald Miller
1996 John Anthony Victor Townsend
1997 Ian Scarr Hall
1998 Richard Paice
1999 Robert Paul Ziff JP
2000 Robert Jack Henderson Edwards
2001 Michael Peter Fincham
2002 Nigel John Linstead
2003 Dame [Anne] Heather Steel DBE
2004 Mr Donald Newell
2005 Mr Christopher William Stone
2006 Mr Philip Richard Saunderson
2007 Professor Barry Alexander Kenneth Rider OBE
2008 Mr Timothy Eatough Watts
2009 Dr Helen Rees Auty
2010 Mr Stuart Howard Lamb
2011 Sir John A Timpson CBE
2012 Mr Richard L Page
2013 Mr Simon James Goodman
2014 Sheriff Christopher M Hayward CC
2015 Mr Nicholas C G Andrews
2016 Mr Michael Kemsley
2017 Mr Richard Kottler
2018 Mr Alastair Watson-Gandy
2019 Dr David Best
2020 Ms Jennifer Bryant-Pearson
2022 Ms Sarah Leijten
2023 Commodore Pat Tyrrell OBE Royal Navy
2024 Deputy Keith Bottomley
2025 David Miller