We are the only Livery Company in the City with a church named after us which we call home.

Friends of St Margaret Pattens

St Margaret Pattens has been a place of worship and a resource for the community since 1067. After the Great Fire in 1666, Sir Christopher Wren designed the current building, which remains largely unaltered to this day.
Our church relies on donations to provide a large part of its funding.
The Friends of St Margaret Pattens was established as a charity in May 1997 with the aim of supporting this distinguished ancient building for future generations, to keep the Church open and continue to make it accessible for everyone today.
Donations contribute to the maintenance and refurbishment of the building and to help to cover the cost of the Administrator to enable the building to be kept open as a place of tranquillity and contemplation and to keep the building open for community use. The church arranges recitals, concerts, and other events to which supporters of the Friends are invited.
The Friends have contributed to the two magnificent chandeliers in the nave, to the refurbishment of the Vestry and more recently raised £75,000 towards the refurbishment of the “listed” very fine, historic organ, which was last refurbished in 1953. The refurbishment has made it fit for purpose for another 100 years.
Please consider making a regular donation via standing order using the form via this link which can be completed and scanned / photographed and emailed to info@stmargaretpattens.org
For more information on St Margaret Pattens Church please click here.
For more information on The Friends of St. Maraget Pattens visit their website: http://www.friendsofstmargaretpattens.org.uk/