Company Structure

Chairman Purpose
Court Master All decisions
Honorary Court Senior Past Master Past Masters who have left the court
Past Masters Senior Past Master Selection of Master, Wardens and Court Members
Finance and General Purposes Committee Master Finance and all other matters other than Charity
Investment Past Master Tim Watts Investment decisions
Admission Committee Upper Warden Considers new Freeman and Liverymen to the Company
Membership Mike Packham Encourage new members
Fundraising Chris Steers Marathon and other Fundraising events
Charity David Emanuel Charity giving
Events Zoë Chowney Events
Education Past Master Sarah Leijten Education
Military Mr Pat Tyrrell Links to our Military friends
Footwear Past Master Richard Kottler

The Master

The Master is an ‘ambassador’ representing the Company in outside activities connected to the Livery, City of London functions and to other Livery companies. He is assisted by the Upper and Renter Wardens, who will deputise for the master in his absence.

The Master supports the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs and Aldermen of City of London in their endeavours. Once every three years the Worshipful Company of Pattenmakers takes part in the civic procession Lord Mayor’s Parade in November by ancient tradition.

The Master governs the Livery and with the Wardens and the Court decide on all Company business, ie the income and expenditure of the company. An analogue is that the Master is the Chairman and the Court of the Assistants are the Directors. The day to day running of the Company is the Clerk’s responsibility (Chief Executive Officer). The Court consists of Past Masters and Court Assistants, who often chair the committees. The Master, Wardens and Court Assistants are chosen by the Past Masters and then elected by the Court.

The Master spearheads our Charitable events for the Company with the Chairman of the Fundraising committee and the Court. Fundraising is the major mission of the Company.

The Trade Warden looks after the Companies link to the Trades of bespoke shoe making and facilities management. This appointment is for two years, whereas the Master, Upper Warden and Renter Warden change every year in March.

The Court

The Court makes the decisions for the Worshipful Company of Pattenmakers

Members of the Court
HRH Duke of Gloucester KG GCVO Royal Patron
Mr David Miller The Master Pattenmaker
Mrs Jane Wilson The Upper Warden
Mr David Emanuel The Renter Warden
David Michael Watson Smith Warden to the Trade
Deputy Keith Bottomley Immediate Past Master
Commodore Pat Tyrrell, OBE
Past Master Nick C G Andrews Senior Past Master
Past Master Chris M Hayward CC
Past Master Mike Kemsley The Honorary Treasurer
Past Master Jennifer Bryant-Pearson
Past Master Alastair Watson-Gandy
Past Master Richard Kottler
Past Master Tim E Watts
Past Master Mrs Sarah Leijten Almoner
Mr Alan Lyons Assistant to the Court
Miss Rachel Scarr-Hall Assistant to the Court
Mr Mark Jeffrey Assistant to the Court
Mr Graham Perry Assistant to the Court
Dr Chris Stears Assistant to the Court
Mr Ian Balcombe Assistant to the Court
Mr Mike Packham Assistant to the Court
Mrs Sarah Hodge Assistant to the Court

Honorary Court Members:

Past Masters leaving the court move onto the Honorary Court. They add their expertise to the Court meetings, but they have no vote on Court Matters if the matter is decided by vote.

Senior Past Master Chris Hayward
Immediate Past Master Cdre P Tyrrell OBE RN
Past Master D P Best
Past Master Sir John Timpson
Past Master S J Goodman
Past Master S H Lamb
Past Master H R Auty
Past Master TE Watts
Past Master B A K Rider OBE
Past Master Mr C W Stone
Past Master Mr D Newell
Past Master Dame Heather Steel DBE
Past Master Mr M Fincham
Past Master Mr R J H Edwards
Past Master Mr R Paice
Past Master Mr Ian Scarr Hall
Past Master Mr J A V Townsend
Past Master Mr R S Sancroft-Baker
Past Master Mr Deputy A N Eskenzi CBE CC
Past Master Mr A J Y Magnus
Past Master Ms Jennifer Bryant-Pearson
Past master Mrs Sarah Liejten

The Committees

The major committees are Finance and General Purposes, Investment, Fundraising, Education, Charity, Young Pattenmakers and Membership.

The Finance and General Purposes committee deals with every matter concerning the Company’s interest. The Master, Wardens, senior Past Master and the Honorary Treasurer provide the core of the committee, but are joined by other members often with special interest.

The investment committee looks after our monetary investments, gaining advice from an Investment company. The Committee has made substantial progress in increasing the value of our investments.

The fundraising committee provides one of the core reasons for the Pattenmakers. The Committee organises runners for our Golden bond for the London Marathon. This has raised over £200,000 in the last 10 years. There are other fundraising activities, which we from time to time organise.

The Charity Committee monitors our gifts to charitable causes. These cover the provision of bespoke Orthopaedic Footwear, Young Managers, Education, the City of London and Military Affiliations. The orthopaedic footwear covers payment for shoes for people, often without feet and legs and apprentices. On the education, we provide bursaries for the study of bespoke shoe making, City of London Schools and a St Paul’s Chorister. Currently our donations to the military involve providing the opportunities for people to go to camp and to the City of London Air squadron.

The Young Pattenmakers committee aim is the support of Young Pattenmakers. It is to make them feel at home and understand the responsibilities and mores of the Livery Company.

The membership committee encourages new members to join. A prospective candidate is invited to enjoy a Livery dinner with us to meet other members of the Livery.