Application Process

All applicants for admission to the Freedom and Livery of the Company must be proposed and seconded by Members of the Livery who have known them for at least two years and can vouch for them personally.  If it is not possible to fulfil these requirements please contact the Clerk.

Proposal of a Candidate for the Freedom of the Pattenmakers’ Company

Prior to filling out the online Application form (the link will be provided through your Proposer, Seconder or the Clerk), either the Proposer or Seconder is required to:

  • Bring the applicant as their guest to at least one of the Company Dinners
  • Introduce the applicant to the Master and to the members of the Court who are present
  • Remind candidates that it is part of their privilege and duty, if they are admitted to Freedom of the Livery, to attend the Company’s functions as regularly as circumstances permit
  • Advise candidates that they will be expected to contribute to the Company’s charitable funds
  • Ensure that candidates receive and read a copy of these notes

The Applicant supported by their Proposer will then:

  • Ensure that the online application form is completed properly
  • Provide supporting letters from both the Proposer and Seconder to the Clerk

(Note: If neither the Proposer nor Seconder is a member of the Court of Assistants, then the proposal form needs to be countersigned by a member of the Court too)

Applicants’ will be invited to an informal interview by one of the members of the court, to ensure that the applicant understands the commitment being made and the expectations of being a Freeman of the livery. All applicants will be considered by the Applications Committee of the Court of Assistants of the Company, which will sit formally to hear applications.  This Committee is presided over by the Upper Warden and membership consists of Past Masters of the Company.

If the Committee does not consider the applicant to be a suitable person to go forward, they will instruct the Clerk to advise his sponsors accordingly.

If the Committee does consider the applicant to be a suitable person, the Chairman (normally the Upper Warden) will so report at the next Court Meeting. If the candidate is then approved by the Court, the Clerk will write to the applicant to advise the, they been successfully admitted to the Freedom of the Company. In addition, the Financial Controller will make contact to:

  • Provide an invoice and request payment of the Company’s Freedom fine (joining fee)
  • Establish a direct debit mandate for collection of the Freeman’s annual quarterage (subscription)
  • Obtain a gift aid form to cover donations to the Pattenmakers’ Company Charitable Foundation (NB. Gift aid is reclaimable only on personal donations made by UK taxpayers).

Once the applicant has been admitted to Freedom of the Company, they will have the following privileges and duties:

  • The right to receive the Pattenmaker e-newsletter
  • Attend the Common Meal
  • Attend all church services at St Margaret Pattens and to be invited to the Master’s reception
  • Be considered for a place at Livery Dinners in the event of any vacancies; restrictions may apply for smaller Livery halls and high demand events

Progression to Liveryman

No Freeman of the Company will be admitted to the Livery until at least one year after receiving the Freedom of the Company.  Admission is subject to there being a vacancy in the Livery and to the Freeman having made a reasonable effort to have made good attendance (around half) of the Company functions and engagement with its activities and charitable endeavors.

At any time towards the expiration of a year or thereafter, Freemen of the Company may, if they so wish, apply by letter to the Clerk to be admitted to the Livery of the Company. To make this application the Freeman of the Company must be a Freeman of the City of London.  If they are already, go to step 2.

Step 1 –To obtain Freedom of the City of London from the office of the Chamberlain.

You must be: above the age of eighteen years, not an undischarged bankrupt and not having been convicted of a criminal offence. Full details can be found here.

  • Complete the Application form for Freedom on the City and email it to:
  • You will need to provide
  • Your Birth Certificate
  • Certificate of admission to the Freedom of the Pattenmakers Company (supplied by the Clerk)
  • Make a BACS payment ‘The Chamberlain of London’ currently  £180 and due to increase in March 2025 – details in the application form.

The staff will take all your particulars and the application will be referred to the Court of Aldermen

  • The Clerk to the Chamberlain’s Court will email you informing you of the decision of the Court of Aldermen, asking the applicant to  email the Chamberlain’s Court to arrange a date for the Presentation ceremony
  • Attend the Chamberlain’s Courtroom on the agreed date
  • No special dress is required (Lounge Suit)
  • Family and friends are welcome to attend
  • Proposer and Seconder should attend if possible
  • Photographs are permitted (take a camera)The Pattenmakers have also been holding Group ceremonies twice a year, so please contact the Clerk if you would like to be part of a group freedom ceremony.

Step 2 –Once the Freedom of the City of London has been granted, send to the Clerk of the Company:

  • Complete the latest Application form to become a liveryman – Appendix 1
  • A copy of the Freedom of the City of London
  • Letters of support from the Proposer and Seconder
  • Wait for the Clerk’s reply, which, if there is a vacancy in the Livery, will follow the first Applications Meeting following receipt of the applicant’s letter
  • The Clerk will advise if the application is successful
  • The applicant will attend a Court Meeting and:
  • Invite his Proposer and Seconder to attend in support
  • Arrive at the Court Meeting in good time
  • Read the Liveryman’s Oath aloud in front of the Court (a copy will be provided by the Clerk)
  • Be introduced individually to the Members of the Court
  • Deliver a 30-60 second speech to the Court
  • The Clerk will request a banker’s order for the Liveryman’s quarterage (see below):

Fees (See Appendix) for full details.

General Quarterage (paid annually)
                                             Amount £

Liveryman                                                                                                    396.00

Freeman                                                                                                        198.00

(See Appendix for special categories)


Applications should be sent to the Clerk:

Jane Foreman, Assistant Clerk
The Worshipful Company of Pattenmakers
Hydewood Cottage,
Hydewood Road,
Little Yeldham,
Essex CO9 4QX

T: 07875 282211