An integral part of the Livery is the Young Pattenmakers – the definition of young is under 40.

Young Pattenmakers
The Pattenmakers are proud to have a very vibrant Young Pattenmakers group – the definition of young being 39 and under!
Young Pattenmakers can be part of the Company as Freemen or Liverymen and enjoy all the benefits of regular membership but at a substantial discount to normal rates. There is also a Young Friends’ option for those new to the Pattenmakers and the City.
In addition they have their own programme of mostly informal events during the year, many of which are based in St Margaret Pattens and which traditionally end in a nearby pub for “networking” sessions. There is also the centrepiece Young Pattenmakers Annual Dinner, which has become a must-go event for Young Pattenmakers and their friends, which is kindly sponsored by some of our Liverymen’s companies, and is always a sell-out.